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Self Care Guide | 101 ways to do YOU!

Updated: Jul 16, 2020

Ultimate self care ideas list.

Your Mind

Be Creative- Paint, draw, colour, sew, sculpt, design.

Meditate- think about the things that make you have and what you are grateful for.

Take your medication every day.

Have some down time- Read a book

Turn off all electronics

Take a social media break

free Up real estate in your brain and invest in a journal.

Ask for help

Use a calendar to remember important dates.

Step outside, get some air and sun.

Accomplish a small goal

Value time, money and resources.

Establish healthy habits and learn to break bad ones.

Pay somebody else to do it.

create an awesome playlist.

Your Body

Take a long bath.

Pamper sesh

Go for a walk (take the dog)

Use sunscreen

Establish a workout routine that fits your lifestyle.

Get a new haircut

Brush twice a day!

Take all of the naps needed

Get regular doctor check-ups

Go to bed earlier

Eat something fresh

Paint your nails

Do a face mask

Increase your water intake


Regular dental visits

Brush your hair every day

Develop a good skin care routine

Try a new healthy recipe

Practice yoga

Stretch in the Morning and before bed.

Get a massage

Regular Pap smears

Wash your hands regularly

Fake it don’t bake it- avoid premature aging and excess sun exposure while still maintaining sun kissed skin.

Your Atmosphere

Light a candle

Declutter and donate.

Buy a new plant

Play music

Make your bed

Recycle properly

Make a mood board

Water your garden

Spring clean.

Clean and comfortable bedding.

Hang artwork and photos of loved ones.

Surround yourself with good people

Wash and clean out your car.

Refresh your environment by moving furniture around.

Buy new decor

Defuse some essential oils

Clean up a local park or beach.

Your Relationships

Call a friend you havnt spoken to in a while

Visit that elderly family member

Give thanks to the check out chick

Try to meet new people

Always heart react your friends profile pictures

Always share and support friends and family members businesses.

Meet with friends for dinner dates.

Build a good relationship with your boss

Communicate with your loved ones, don’t bottle it up!

Engage in small acts of kindness

Volunteer to help out more often, what goes around comes back around in some form.

Give extra love to your pets and everyone’s pets.

Reply to emails and texts.

Write a letter

Have a get together.

Your Profession

Take the job

Build workplace relationships

Go back to uni

Learn something new

Start a course

Find hobbies that produce & Create an Etsy Store.

Maintain work-life balance.

Take a rostered day off.

Take advantage of sick days.

Your finances

Try to save.

Learn to be more sparing or economical with money and food.

Do it yourself.

Walk instead of drive

Fix and refurbish instead of replace.

Plan ahead with spending

Buy on sale and in season

Your Happiness

Plan a girls trip or solo getaway.

Get a new outfit.

(Idk who needs to hear this but) BUY the Damn shoes.

Buy yourself Christmas and valentines gifts.

Binge watch that tv series... again.

Bake some naughty treats.

Give yourself compliments.

Dress up nice and take photos. (People don’t have to know you didn’t go anywhere)

Take even more naps.

Eat a whole bag of flaming hot cheetos.

Do the 24 hour pyjama challenge

Start a blog or YouTube channel.

Have a few too many wines.

Indulge in something you love.

Just absolutely love yourself!

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